It's been nine years today.
"When we think about death, we make an endless detour around a given that we can't digest. But on that detour we discover in the light of our mortality also everything that is connected to it: our powerlessness, fears, faults, passivity. The thought of death must teach us not to experience these things as merely negative values. They are an essential part of our brief life. When we try to turn them off, we do ourselves an injustice. Our powerlessness also means that we can be overwhelmed by wonder or enthusiasm. Caving in can be an elemental joy. Thinking of death teaches us also that life is a gift over which we can't willfully command. We are in at least as strong a measure a witness to it as its possessor."
~ Cornelis Verhoeven, excerpt from the essay 'De betekenis van de dood in het leven' (the meaning of death in life), in the book 'De resten van het vaderschap' (The rest of fatherhood), Ambo, 1975