Saturday, November 21, 2009

Shit, now i have to do six minutes

At the beginning of the year i was hoping to finally do 150 dynamic, 125 dynamic no fins, and a 6 minute static this year. Instead, i almost burnt out and had to reset. No more diving for numbers. But after a lovely few weeks of training and PB's in dynamic, i felt a bit of an itch to do a long dive without fins today. I'd already been mucking around for more than an hour, so i didn't think i'd do anything seriously, but i checked myself and felt i could do a 100 meter dive in a calm way. So i prepared a little, did the usual breathe-up, and went for it. It was as tough as expected, but also much nicer -almost dreamy. I swam like planned and touched 100, turned and did a bit more. Then a bit more. And then a bit more. I came up because i figured i'd done enough and i was still very present, and was very glad to see i was well past the 125 (hard to tell in a 50 meter pool). I figure it was about 130. Lovely dive.

The only downside is, there's a chance to do a static next month. I might have to train static now.


Eric said...

Wow! Absolutely fantastic Daan. Congratulations! In a 50 meter pool nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

hi im Cleverbot every body and i love to bake a bunch good luck with your dancing ....